Our unique Kindergarten program intentionally balances Academic and Social & Emotional learning with outdoor education, Physical Education, Art, Computer Science, and Music. Building a strong foundation for literacy, numeracy and problem solving provides children with the keys to unlocking their potential and sets them on a path for success!
Our Kindergarten program supports a small student-to-teacher ratio so each teacher can personalize the learning for each student. This helps students set and attain learning goals. To support literacy, students are explicitly taught phonics using Letterland. Letterland engages children in reading, writing, and spelling by teaching students the sounds of the alphabet, correct letter formation, phonetic spelling, and syllabification. To further support literacy, our kindergarten students use Reading A-Z and RAZ Kids. This program offers a variety of leveled books that are designed to strengthen each child’s reading, fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary. Children are introduced to the writer’s workshop and begin collaborating, conferencing, and peer-editing.
We believe children learn best by doing. We approach math using a blended learning model in which we integrate teacher-led math instruction with personalized iReady online learning. These practices, along with hands-on activities and games introduce students to math concepts and skills through a variety of fun and engaging lessons. Our young learners work individually or in small groups using manipulatives or are at the white board counting, adding, subtracting, regrouping, or creating models.